There is nothing wrong with coffee. Its simply that "Tea" is part of our name. Hi, I'm Betty. I invite you to sit down with me over a cup of tea and banana bread. Let' chat about the day over our drink of choice. I'll give you some encouragement and positive vibes as I introduce the abundance of alchemy. Anyways, I haven't figured it all out yet. But, I'm willing to talk about it over tea if you want. Would you like to BetTea with me?
Betty has always been an independent thinker. Her life's journey is a blessed one. She is one of those people who's live IMPROVED after Covid-19. These past few years have been healing as she reflects on her reality. Along Betty's path, she's picked up a few things to share. In an effort to make the world a better place, BetTea wants to share love, warmth and peace through our food and beverage offerings. We aim to be a whole vibe. Betty isn't good at cooking - but she can bake. Fortunately or unfortunately, she found the one that everyone loved was her banana bread. So, here we are... having banana bread (with or without walnuts) and tea.